Face-Masquing: What’s the buzz about?
Face-Masquing: What’s the buzz about? Social networks are buzzing with the latest trend in skin care– multi-masking. It’s time-saving, great for skin health and dermatologist (and Dermalogica!) approved. But what is it? Multi-Masquing or Facemasquing as it’s known at Dermalogica…
Skincare Secrets of Flight Attendants
Skincare Secrets of Flight Attendants So, what are the top Skincare Secrets of Flight Attendants? Here at Winslow Skincare, we decided to filter out the fact from fantasy and test the science behind these skin care myths! We spoke to…
TREND ALERT: Dewy is the new Matte
It's official, healthy skin is finally in fashion! In the last few months, the skincare and makeup industry have seen a huge rise in the popularity of so-called ‘dewy’ and ‘glowy’ skin look that has been popularised by both makeup…